Merit Laboratories, Inc.

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Merit Laboratories Scores a Perfect 100% on PFAS Proficiency Testing Samples

Merit Laboratories Scores a Perfect 100% on PFAS Proficiency Testing Samples

As affirmation to our quality program, Merit Laboratories earned a perfect score of 100% acceptable on a PFAS double blind performance testing (PT) study for both EPA 537 (v1.1) and ASTM D7979 with Isotopic Dilution.  

PT samples are a strong tool for evaluating and comparing the quality of environmental testing laboratories. As part of a double blind PT study administered by Absolute Standards  Merit analyzed 14 PFAS compounds by EPA 537 and 24 PFAS compounds by ASTM D7979 with Isotopic Dilution. 

EPA 537 is a prescriptive Drinking Water Method for 14 PFCs.  It can only be used for the 14 compounds in drinking water samples and is limited in the allowable modifications, according to the method.   ASTM D7979 with Isotopic Dilution is a method performed by Merit for non-drinking water matrices. Merit Laboratories can analyze for the MDEQ PFAS-requested list of 24 PFAS substances using ASTM D7979.

The analysis of matrix-specific PT samples play an important role in a laboratory quality management program.  PT samples are also used to obtain and maintain laboratory certifications, including NELAP, DoD ELAP, and various state programs.  PT samples are also known as Performance Evaluation (PE) and Performance Testing samples.

Merit Laboratories participates in numerous Proficiency Testing (PT) programs, routinely scoring high marks for quality.  Over the last five years, we have averaged over 98% for all PT programs.  PT samples are prepared by approved PT sample providers and supplied to participating laboratories. The true value concentrations of PT samples are kept confidential by the PT providers, only shared once all laboratories analyzing samples as part of a PT study have submitted their analytical results to the PT provider. The PT providers then issue a performance report to each individual participating laboratory that evaluates performance for each analyte compared to defined acceptance ranges. 

Merit is Michigan’s PFAS environmental laboratory, analyzing wastewater, groundwater, drinking water, and other sample matrices at our laboratory in East Lansing, Michigan. Please contact Merit Laboratories for assistance on your PFAS testing needs or to request a copy of our PFAS PT report.