Laboratory Testing Services
Merit performs laboratory testing to support all major environmental programs. Our team of experienced chemists are paired with the latest instrumentation and equipment to provide comprehensive environmental testing. Merit is experienced supporting large and complex projects throughout the United States.
Groundwater Monitoring
Soil and Water Investigations
Remediation Projects
Air Monitoring
Hazardous Waste
CERCLA/SARA (Superfund)
Preliminary Assessments/Site Investigations
Remedial Investigations
Feasibility Studies
Remedial Design/Remedial Action
Monitoring Programs
Clean Water Act
Wastewater Monitoring
NPDES Permits
Discharge Monitoring
Clean Air Act
Vapor Intrusion
Fenceline Monitoring
Ambient Air Monitoring
Soil Gas
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Drinking Water Testing
Pubic Water Supply Monitoring
Commercial, Industrial, and Residential
Department of Defense (DoD) Quality Systems Manual (QSM)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Air Force
Naval Facilities Engineering Command