Merit's clientele spans a diverse range, including Fortune 500 companies, environmental consulting firms, landfills, local industry, and the Department of Defense. Merit is experienced in supporting large and complex projects located throughout the United States and Canada.
““I appreciate Merit Laboratories’ professionalism, customer service, and cost-effectiveness. They provide quality laboratory services at a reasonable price, and their courier services are a cost and time saver, and are much appreciated.””
Environmental Consulting Firms
Merit supports environmental consulting firms throughout the United States. We are experienced working with environmental consulting firms to support site investigations, groundwater monitoring, remediation, fenceline monitoring, wastewater monitoring, groundwater/soil investigations, and drinking water programs. Many of our clients are experienced hydrogeologists, environmental engineers, and environmental scientists.
We are experienced working with industry to support a diverse range of environmental projects and monitoring programs, including hazardous waste, wastewater, groundwater, drinking water, soil, and product testing.
Merit is a leader for environmental laboratory testing for the automotive industry. As a partner with the automotive manufacturers and suppliers since the 1980s, Merit has a strong track record of support for site investigations and remediation, wastewater monitoring, groundwater monitoring, drinking water testing, waste characterization, and air testing.
Energy & Utilities
We service energy companies and utilities, including the petroleum, chemical, and power industry. We support air testing and fenceline monitoring, groundwater investigation and monitoring, site investigations, site remediation, wastewater permitting and monitoring, and hazardous waste characterization.
DoD/Federal (DOD ELAP)
Merit is accredited in the Department of Defense ELAP Quality Systems Manual program, (DoD ELAP QSM). As part of our DoD ELAP QSM certification, Merit supports projects following the guidelines established in the DoD Quality Systems Manual.
Merit provides environmental laboratory testing to support local municipalities and state agencies, including POTWs, WWTPs, and drinking water facilities. Merit also provides contract environmental testing for the MDEQ.
Product Testing
Our team of skilled and experienced scientists provide product testing to assist manufacturers in product testing and R+D.