Our clients are everything to us. 

Our goal is to provide accurate analytical results at the highest level of service for all of our clients at competitive prices.  Merit is an accredited, experienced laboratory that meets the needs of our clients by emphasizing quality, service, and flexibility. Merit is experienced supporting large and complex projects throughout the United States. 

“Merit Labs has always done an exceptional job with all my analytical testing needs. I have been using their services for over 20 years and their current facility is top notch. Though the best thing is their customer service. They have consistently met their reporting deadlines, provided excellent (and last minute) courier service when necessary, and successfully managed samples from various sites across the country. Their technical expertise is also an invaluable asset. I consider Merit Labs a major team player for the sites I manage and value their services highly.”
— Matthew Carlson, P.E., Senior Engineer, Stantec

The Merit STORY

  • NELAP, DoD ELAP, and State-Certified Laboratory

  • Independently-owned and operated with 35 years of consistent ownership

  • Women-Owned Business (WBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

  • National leader in PFAS laboratory testing

  • Sample Courier Services

  • 24-hour sample drop-off

  • Expedited Turnaround Time

  • Customized Electronic Data Deliverables

  • Method development for non-routine testing requirements

  • Flexible and easy to work with

  • Experienced client services team with strong technical knowledge


Authentically Independent since 1987

Frustrated with turn-around time and not knowing where your analytical data is? Give us a try. We're sure you'll like our personal, independent service and outstanding commitment to quality.  


Client Resources

Here's a link to some of our most requested client resources, including Chain of Custody (COC) forms, quote requests, and sample bottle order requests.

Interested in Becoming a Client

If you would like to partner with us, please complete the form below, click submit, and we'll get right back to you. Or feel free to call us at 517.332.0167, whichever you prefer.   If it's after hours, no problem, just call our emergency response lines at 517.202.1340 or 517.202.0781.