Merit is a full-service environmental laboratory performing analytical testing for a diverse range of sample matrices to support federal agencies, including the Department of Defense. Merit is designated as a Small Business Enterprises (SBE) and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE).
Merit is accredited in the Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Quality Systems Manual (DoD ELAP QSM). As part of our DoD ELAP QSM accreditation, Merit supports projects following the guidelines established in the DoD Quality Systems Manual.
Merit routinely provides electronic data deliverables (EDDs) in a diverse range of formats to support both customizable and standard EDD formats, including ERPIMS (ERPToolsX). ERPIMS is the U.S. Air Force’s data system for validation and management for environmental projects at all Air Force bases. ERPIMS contains analytical chemistry samples, tests, and results, as well as, hydrogeological information, site/location descriptions, and monitoring well characteristics.
Contact us to learn more about our DOD ELAP testing capabilities.
DoD ELAP QSM laboratory accreditation is specific to the sample matrix, analytical method, parameters, compounds, and elements. The QSM was developed by the DoD Environmental Data Quality Workgroup (EDQW) and the DOE Consolidated Auto Program (DOECAP). Conformance to the DoD QSM is mandatory for environmental laboratories performing analytical testing in support of DoD projects.
The Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD ELAP QSM ) is an agreement between the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and U.S. Navy for environmental laboratory accreditation and analytical testing to support DoD projects and DoD programs. The DoD ELAP, which originated in October 2009, covers environmental programs at DoD operations, activities, and installations, which also includes formerly used defense sites (FUDS). The Department of Energy (DOE) recently became part of the DoD ELAP for DOE sites and programs.
24-Hour TAT Support for the Northern California Wildfire Cleanup Program
In October 2017, wildfires ravaged Northern California covering a 245,000-acre path of destruction over a 24-day period. When the last fire was finally extinguished, nearly 9,000 homes and buildings were destroyed with total damages exceeding $12-billion as a result of the wildfires. Quickly, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers went to work to begin a cleanup program that continued through March 2018.
As part of the USACE cleanup program, Merit Laboratories performed analytical laboratory testing on more than 4,000 soil samples over multiple sample collection events that lasted several months. All soil samples analyzed by Merit Laboratories were completed following an expedited 24-hour turnaround time (TAT) for heavy metals.
Merit’s team worked throughout nights, weekends, and holidays to ensure the USACE received the analytical data within 24 hours to support the emergency response effort. The list of heavy metals included antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc.
In Phase I of the cleanup process, household hazardous waste was removed by the EPA in Sonoma and Napa Counties and by the California Department of Toxic Substances in Lake and Mendocino Counties. After the household hazardous waste was removed, the USACE and its contractors were able to oversee the second phase of debris cleanup by removing all fire-related debris and the top 3 to 5 inches of soil to remove potential contaminants. After debris removal was complete, soil samples were collected and sent to Merit Laboratories for analytical testing. The USACE used the analytical data to determine if contamination was successfully removed, eventually allowing property owners to obtain approval from their local governments for rebuilding.
Merit Laboratories maintains DoD ELAP QSM accreditation. Contact Merit Laboratories to learn more how about it can assist you on your next DoD project.
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