Client Resources
Here's easy access to Chain of Custody (COC) forms, bottle order sample container forms, and a table with parameter sample volumes, sample container types, preservatives, and hold time requirements.
Chain of Custody Form
You can download a copy of our Chain of Custody (COC) form using the button below.
Air Chain of Custody Form
For air/soil gas samples, you can download our COC form using the button below.
Quote Requests
Need a quote? Now easier than ever. Click the button below to go to our Quote Request form.
Sample Bottle Orders
Ready to order sample bottles for your upcoming project. Click the button below to go to our Sample Bottle Order form.
Sample Collection Instructions
To assist our clients in collecting samples for specific parameters and matrices, Merit has the following Sample Collection Instructions available for guidance:
Available Cyanide Field Prep
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Drinking Water
EPA 5035 Preservation for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Soil
PCB Wipe Sampling
Helium Shroud for VOCs by TO-15 in Air
Merit Laboratories offers many options for PFAS: EPA 533, EPA 537 Rev. 1.1, EPA 537.1 ASTM D7979 with Isotopic Dilution, ASTM D7968-17 with Isotopic Dilution, and the DoD PFAS Method.
Download our PFAS Overview to learn more.
Merit Laboratories is a national testing leader servicing clients throughout the United States. Click to download our one-sheet capabilities statement.
We provide routine and on-demand sample courier services to support our clients. Please contact us at 517.332.0167 to request sample courier services, including the delivery of sample bottle orders and pick-up of collected samples from your office or site.
““Packaging large volumes of samples for shipment can be problematic, time consuming, and carry an inherent compliance risk if the samples are compromised during shipment. To help alleviate packaging and shipping concerns, Merit picks the samples up and delivers directly to their laboratory.””
Electronic Data Deliverables (EDD)
Merit routinely provides electronic data deliverables (EDDs) in a diverse range of formats to support both customizable and standard EDD formats. All EDDs are generated by Merit by direct download from our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), eliminating the risk of manual entry. Merit has a robust library of available EDDs. We also develop customized EDDs to support your reporting needs.
To support Merit’s federal services program, the ERPIMS (ERPToolsX) EDD format is provided. ERPIMS is the U.S. Air Force’s data system for validation and management for environmental projects at all Air Force bases. ERPIMS contains analytical chemistry samples, tests, and results, hydrogeological information, site and location descriptions, and monitoring well characteristics.
Analytical Data Reports + Data Packages
Merit provides analytical reports in a variety of report formats to support our client's reporting needs. From Level 1 data reports through Level 4 CLP-Like Data Packages, our analytical reporting options are structured to support your needs. The selection of the specific report format is based upon your Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Merit offers flexibility and responsiveness to ensure the report format meets the projects DQOs.