MDEQ Vapor Intrusion Guidelines and the New VIAP Calculator

MDEQ Vapor Intrusion Guidelines and the New VIAP Calculator

The MDEQ is currently finalizing updates to Michigan Part 201 (Cleanup Criteria Requirements for Response Activity) for VI action screening levels, which are expected to be finalized in 2018.  In August 2017, the MDEQ released interim action screening levels for volatilization to indoor air. The finalized VI updates are expected to include revised screening levels and generic cleanup criteria for the vapor intrusion pathway. The MDEQ is also planning to provide a volatilization to indoor air pathway (VIAP) calculator for developing facility-specific screening levels based on site conditions. The MDEQ will be hosting a webinar to provide interested parties with an opportunity to learn more about the VIAP calculator. 

Merit Receives Indiana Laboratory Certification

Merit Receives Indiana Laboratory Certification

Merit Laboratories received drinking water laboratory certification with the State of Indiana. Merit is certified to perform the analysis of drinking water samples to support projects in Indiana.  The laboratory certification is based upon the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, and the Indiana Primary Drinking Water Regulations.