MDEQ Schedules Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) Workshops

MDEQ Schedules Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) Workshops

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has announced that it will be hosting workshops on the Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) to provide guidance and training on Vapor Intrusion (VI).  The MDEQ will be conducting four workshops throughout the state:

  • Grand Rapids, April 10th
  • Lansing, April 13th
  • Ann Arbor, April 17th
  • Roscommon, May 15th

The workshops will provide information on the concepts and fundamentals of VIAP, steps associated with investigations, collection and use of evidence, information on the USDA soil classification system, mitigation strategies, and VI sampling methodology and supplies.

The MDEQ recently established guidelines for Vapor Intrusion (VI). Vapor intrusion is an exposure pathway resulting from the migration of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into overlying buildings with human receptors. According to the MDEQ, a source, migration path, and a human receptor must all be present for the VI pathway to be considered a risk. Vapors can be generated from sources that include contaminated groundwater and soil, NAPL, or buried waste.

The MDEQ is finalizing updates to Michigan Part 201 (Cleanup Criteria Requirements for Response Activity) for VI action screening levels.  Last summer, the MDEQ released interim action screening levels for volatilization to indoor air. The finalized VI updates are expected to include revised screening levels and generic cleanup criteria for the vapor intrusion pathway.

Merit Laboratories performs laboratory testing to support vapor intrusion projects.  Analytical testing performed by Merit includes the analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method TO-15. Merit is NELAP-accredited for the analysis of VOCs by TO-15.  The laboratory maintains a large stock of sample collection media to support VI projects, including bottle vacs, Silonite™ ceramic coated canisters, flow controllers and helium shrouds.  Please contact Merit to learn more about how we can support your vapor intrusion project testing needs.