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We’re Going to Disney World! Merit Laboratories, a WBE and SBE, to Attend 2018 DoD EMDQ Workshop in Orlando

We’re Going to Disney World! Merit Laboratories, a WBE and SBE, to Attend 2018 DoD Environmental Monitoring and Data Quality Workshop in Orlando

To support its Department of Defense (DoD) program, Merit Laboratories will be attending the 2018 Environmental Monitoring & Data Quality (EMDQ) Workshop. The 2018 EMDQ Workshop is being held in Orlando, Florida from April 9-12 and is organized by the DoD Environmental Data Quality Workgroup.   Merit Laboratories’ Quality Assurance Officer, Barbara Ball, will be representing Merit Laboratories at the DoD conference.

A few of the technical topics included at this 2018 EMDQ conference include sessions on Environmental Data Quality Comparison of PFAS Analysis Between Laboratories, New DoD Validation Guidelines, and a Comparison of Vapor Intrusion Sampling and Analytical Methods for TCE.  The four-day technical conference brings together members of the environmental services industry working on DoD projects.  Principal DoD agencies managing the conference include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, and the U.S. Naval Seas Systems Command.

Merit Laboratories maintains DoD ELAP accreditation. Merit is also designated a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE).  Merit’s DoD ELAP accreditation includes aqueous and solid sample matrices for a diverse range of analytical methods for organics, wet chemistry, and metals.

The DoD ELAP covers environmental programs at DoD operations, activities, and installations, which also includes formerly used defense sites (FUDS).  The DoD ELAP accreditation is specific to sample matrix, analytical method, parameters, compounds, and elements. DoD ELAP accreditation is based upon the DoD Quality Systems Manual (DoD QSM). 

Contact Merit Laboratories to learn more how about it can assist you on your next DoD project.