Merit Laboratories Adds Pennsylvania NELAP Laboratory Accreditation

Merit Laboratories has added laboratory accreditation through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  The list of accredited analytical parameters includes metals, organic, and inorganic test methods. The Pennsylvania DEP is a NELAP recognized accreditation body. 

The Pennsylvania laboratory accreditation is based upon compliance with NELAP and Pennsylvania code, 25 Pa Code Chapter 252. NELAP (National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) is a national accreditation program developed by The NELAC institute (TNI). A laboratory seeking NELAP accreditation must apply to their home state accreditation body (if one is available) or obtain primary accreditation for that particular field of accreditation from another NELAP Accreditation Body. Merit Laboratories’ primary NELAP accreditation is through New York.

Merit Laboratories is one of the nation’s leading environmental testing laboratories, analyzing soil, wastewater, groundwater, drinking water, and other sample matrices for a diverse range of analytical parameters. Please contact Merit Laboratories for assistance on your environmental testing needs.