The analysis of PFAS by EPA 1633A and ASTM D8421 is part of the U.S. EPA’s Methods Update Rule (MUR) Rule 22. The action will promulgate EPA into 40 CFR Part 136. Also part of this action, PFAS method ASTM D8421 is proposed to be codified.
As part of a significant update to RCRA, the U.S. EPA announced proposed rule amendments to add nine PFAS compounds as hazardous constituents. The proposed addition of these nine PFAS compounds as hazardous constituents is expected to have a wide-ranging impact on the environmental industry.
The U.S. EPA has released draft recommendations for addressing groundwater contaminated with PFAS. The draft guidance specifically addresses perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluoroctane sulfonate (PFOS) at contaminated sites falling under federal cleanup programs.