As more sites are identified with PFAS contamination in Michigan, the state’s Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) is taking steps to communicate with state residents and interested parties. One such step is the creation of the PFAS Response website. This site provides information on PFAS sites in Michigan, health, wildlife, and testing and treatment. MPART published a statement on PFAS Testing and Treatment.
PFAS Wastewater Sampling Guidance: Leave the Sharpies and Post-It Notes at the Office
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) recently issued guidance on wastewater sample collection for PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). The wastewater sampling guidance can be used for compliance with the new PFAS Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) requirements. The wastewater PFAS sampling guidance covers sampling equipment, equipment decontamination, sample collection and handling, field clothing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and sample shipment.
U.S. EPA Planning PFAS Community Engagement Events in Michigan
The U.S. EPA is making plans for community engagement events in states that are being impacted by PFAS contamination. The first two states listed for the community engagement events are New Hampshire and Michigan.
New PFAS Contamination Site Tracker includes 17 Michigan Sites
PFAS Sample Collection Containers and Tips
Sample collection for PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances) requires an experienced environmental professional to eliminate and reduce potential field issues that could impact analytical test results. To support our clients’ PFAS sample collection efforts, Merit provides sample collection kits to ensure the proper sample volume is collected, along with appropriate preservatives and sample containers.
It must be noted that the sample collection container type, volume, and preservatives are dependent upon the sample matrix and analytical method. Here are the standard guidelines for the PFAS sample collection kits provided by Merit:
It’s Hard to Know the PFAS Players Without a Scorecard
Many of the longer chain carbon compounds analyzed as part of PFAS testing have long chemical names and can be tricky to differentiate. At Merit Laboratories, we’re always working to find ways to make it easy for our clients. To help you out, here’s a list of acronyms used for commonly-analyzed polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
MDEQ Launches Program for PFAS Testing at Michigan Schools and Public Water Systems
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has launched a statewide program for Michigan schools and public drinking water systems to test for polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Schools with water from wells have been notified by the MDEQ of the need for PFAS testing. Schools receiving water from a public water system will be notified of analytical results by the drinking water provider.
The Number of PFAS Sites in Michigan Grows
The number of sites with PFAS contamination in Michigan continues to grow. The MDEQ has compiled a listing of these PFAS sites along with a map that have been identified as having PFAS levels that are potentially impacting human health and the environment . The sites, which are found at locations throughout Michigan, include:
Merit Laboratories Delivers PFAS Technical Presentation for the Michigan Manufacturers Association
Maya Murshak, CEO of Merit Laboratories, delivered a technical presentation to the Michigan Manufacturing Association about Perfluorocarbons (PFCs). PFCs are commonly known as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). The presentation was held on May 8th in Lansing for members of the MMA Environmental Policy Committee and PFAS Workgroup.