EPA Issues Guidance for PFAS Groundwater Contamination with Draft Interim Recommendations

EPA Issues Guidance for PFAS Groundwater Contamination with Draft Interim Recommendations

The U.S. EPA has released draft recommendations for addressing groundwater contaminated with PFAS. The draft guidance specifically addresses perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluoroctane sulfonate (PFOS) at contaminated sites falling under federal cleanup programs. 

2019 Bioremediation Symposium Brings Together 700 Professionals from 28 Countries

2019 Bioremediation Symposium Brings Together 700 Professionals from 28 Countries

International scientific leaders are coming together to participate in the 2019 Bioremediation Symposium and Sustainable Environmental Technologies. Merit Laboratories will be attending this international symposium, which is being held April 15-18 in Baltimore.

Michigan Sets New PFAS Health Screening Levels for Drinking Water

Michigan Sets New PFAS Health Screening Levels for Drinking Water

The State of Michigan has lowered the drinking water health screening levels for PFAS. These new levels replace the federal advisory guidelines of a combined 70 ppt for PFOA and PFOS that the state had been using since January 2018.

Michigan to Establish PFAS Drinking Water MCLs

Michigan to Establish PFAS Drinking Water MCLs

The MDEQ has been directed by the governor to begin the process of creating PFAS drinking water standards.  The MDEQ will file a Request for Rulemaking to establish maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). As part of the  governor’s direction, the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) will form a science advisory workgroup to review health-based drinking water standards to support the rulemaking process and make recommendations by July 1.

Senate Legislation Keeps PFAS on track to be Designated as Hazardous Substances under Superfund

 Senate Legislation Keeps PFAS on track to be Designated as Hazardous Substances under Superfund

The United States Senate introduced legislation that would classify PFAS chemicals as hazardous substances under the Superfund (CERLCA/SARA).  The legislation, if enacted, provides an enforcement and cost recovery tool for the U.S. EPA to track down polluters and hold them responsible for clean-up costs associated with PFAS contamination.

Michigan PFAS Advisory Report Highlights Proactive Approach to Protecting State Residents

Michigan PFAS Advisory Report Highlights Proactive Approach to Protecting State Residents

Last month, Merit Laboratories introduced you to the advisory report on the Scientific Evidence and Recommendations for Managing PFAS Contamination in Michigan. The report, authored by the Michigan PFAS Science Advisory Panel with support from state agency staff, provides a detailed look at Michigan’s PFAS contamination crisis. 

U.S. EPA Releases First-Ever PFAS Action Plan

 U.S. EPA Releases First-Ever PFAS Action Plan

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its PFAS Action Plan for addressing the Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) challenges facing the nation. The PFAS Action Plan addresses short-term solutions for addressing PFAS and long-term strategies that will help provide the tools and technologies needed to provide clean drinking water and address PFAS prevention and contaminant control at the source.

Congressional PFAS Task Force Formed; Michigan Representatives Leading the Charge

Congressional PFAS Task Force Formed; Michigan Representatives Leading the Charge

Congressional representatives from Michigan in the United States House of Representatives are leading the charge in the bipartisan creation of a PFAS Task Force in congress to address the national public health threat posed by PFAS substances.  The PFAS task force is being led by Rep. Dan Kildee (MI-Flint).

Report on Scientific Evidence and Recommendations for Managing PFAS Contamination in Michigan released by PFAS Science Advisory Panel

Report on Scientific Evidence and Recommendations for Managing PFAS Contamination in Michigan released by PFAS Science Advisory Panel

A panel of scientists have released an advisory report  on the Scientific Evidence and Recommendations for Managing PFAS Contamination in Michigan. The report is authored by the Michigan PFAS Science Advisory Panel with support from state agency staff. Over the next few months, Merit Laboratories will provide detailed overviews of this report to provide a close look at the scientific panel’s findings, studies, and recommendations.